The Realm Of Michigan FAQ

All questions answered by HRH (his royal highness)
Prince Alexander
or HRH-QM (her royal highness)
Queen Mother Yvonne Wardle


***    Frequently Asked Questions:    ***

What's the purpose of this group?

"I love Michigan, and I want to see her grow & her people thrive, and for many years I've wanted to create a group that fosters humanities best traits:  honesty, courage, loyalty, honour, Faith, modesty, generosity, compassion, and fairness.

And that's what this group is intended for -- in today's pluralistic society, we now more than ever need groups & events that bring us together, uniting individuals & creating culture.

Firstly, we seek to create a fun, Godly, and family-friendly atmosphere for our communities.

And secondly, we seek to use any finances raised to improve our state and our group, as well as to help it be the best it can be."

Why would anyone want a royal to tell them what to do?

"I can easily say that I don't like having people interfere with my life and affairs.
I would never do the same to others, and as Americans we appreciate our of right of conscience.

My role as Prince of Michigan is ceremonial, and I seek to use my platform to culturally enrich our state, work with those in my group/organization -- and not to control or dominate it."

Why Prince, why not King?

"Following tradition, and seeing as it is my purpose to set a positive role for my state,
it would not be right to take the title King until I am either married, and then shortly after my wedding, I will hold a coronation for me and my Queen-to-be -- or I have served my people -- my community of: 
The Realm Of Michigan for at least one year before we hold a coronation ceremony.

When I do get married -- then, I shall be able to relate to all the husband's of Michigan,
as the Queen will be able to relate to all it's Wives."

What kind of events do you plan on hosting? 

"We have a wide array of possible events planned, many of which we are waiting for the current pandemic to end before implementing, ranging from banquets & galas, to modern sport & tournaments."

Where will you be?

"I will be touring through Michigan, making sure to observe what our beautiful state needs,
and to hear what her people have to say.

And where there's community service to be done,
I'll roll up my sleeves and get to work with the other people of my group: Realm of Michigan."

What about Advisors to the Prince/King --

Leadership Decisions?

If you are concerned about my youth -- being that I am in my 20's -- worry not.   
My co-leader is my mother, who is the Queen Mother.   
She is older and more than happy to share her insight, knowledge and wisdom with me.   
Also, we will be building a team giving different positions to members to help contribute to our community.   
We will give everyone a chance to voice their opinions, insights, and suggestions.   
Also, I will have a senior board/a council of wise and educated advisors to help guide and mentor me in my position.   However, the final say/decision will be made by the Leaders of this group --  my mother and myself.


PO BOX 220
Willis, MI, 48191, US

About Us

We are a family centered group, seeking the restoration of classical Christian & western culture, and the practice of the values we deem sacred.
We offer a membership that allows encouragement & emboldening of a Godly & noble culture in the public square through entertainment, art, and ceremony.
Let us together create a new, majestic era for our Michigan.